Set up android studio icon
Set up android studio icon

set up android studio icon

The default folder location where Android SDK is installed is – C:\Users\Anish\AppData\Local\Android\sdk. In the first step we will try to find the folder path where we have installed Android SDK –ġ. Find the folder location where you installed Android SDK If you have followed our Appium Tutorial series from the beginning, then you would remember that this article is similar to our previous article where we setup Java environment variables.

set up android studio icon

The main Android environment variables that you would have to set are ANDROID_HOME and Path variables. This article is a continuation of our previous articles on Android, where you learned how to download and install Android Studio bundle and then how to install additional Android SDK tools.

set up android studio icon

This article will provide you with a detailed guide to setup Android Environment variables.

Set up android studio icon